Volansi Named Airwards Winner for Its Partnership With Merck to Deliver Cold-Chain Medicines and Vaccines in Rural North Carolina
Jun 23, 2021

Volansi has been recognized as an Airwards winner for its partnership with Merck & Co., known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, and commitment to improving commercial deliveries of temperature-controlled vaccines in rural North Carolina.
Volansi is the leader in Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) enabled commercial delivery services. Leveraging autonomous drone technology, Volansi is revolutionizing supply chains and delivering critical parts, essential supplies and life-saving medicines where it could otherwise face unpredictable delays.
This is the case in rural North Carolina where Volansi has partnered with Merck to deliver temperature-controlled vaccines to Vidant Healthplex-Wilson, a Vidant Health clinic. With 1.4 million people across 29 counties, eastern North Carolina’s vast, rural environment creates challenges for accessing healthcare and essential medicines. Temperature-sensitive vaccines present a unique problem due to the required temperature range that they must be stored in during transit. Exposure to temperatures outside of a vaccine’s designated range can result in reduced potency and other adverse effects. The VOLY 10 Series’ ability to operate without the limitations of infrastructure shortens the amount of time these vaccines and medications spend in transit and ensures they reach their destination within their designated temperature range.